Colonial Candlelight Service

  • 12/21/2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Please plan to join us for the annual "Colonial Candlelight Christmas Service" held Saturday evening, December 21st, at 7:00 PM, in the Historic Monaghan Church, Dillsburg, Pa.. This is a very special evening, and the beautiful, historic Monaghan Church is decorated with seasonal greens and candles, to create a truly festive spirit. The Program will include the readings of traditional Christmas Bible scripture, by the Reverend Thadius Sales, from Calvary Methodist Church, and music by The Dillsburg Brass.

The service takes place in the Historic Monaghan Church, 15 Church Street, in Dillsburg (right in back of the Post Office). After the program, all are invited to the Dill’s Tavern, where refreshments will be provided. Donations will be used for the Dillsburg Arts and Revitalization Council’s programs that are provided to our community. The event is co-sponsored by the Dillsburg Arts and Revitalization Council and NYCHAPS.

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